「蓝色房间」 —— 人工智能的艺术探索
「The Blue Room」 – Artistic Exploration of Artificial Intelligence
艺术家 Artist: 鲁伶俐 Lu Lingli
展期 Duration:2024.09.05 – 2024.10.05
地点Venue:金杜艺术中心KWM artcenter
来自英国中央圣马丁艺术学院的先锋艺术家鲁伶俐与美国硅谷人工智能实验室MUSE-AI(木思艺术)共同创作完成的实验艺术项目暨亚洲区首次个展《蓝色房间》将于 2024 年9月5日于北京金杜艺术中心开幕。本次展览是职业艺术家与生成式人工智能(AIGC)合作与PK的大规模集中展示,罕见地以个展形式呈现先锋模型与艺术家集中训练的结果。观众将有机会沉浸式体验美术馆级别艺术创作与前沿科技的对话与碰撞,并有机会使用行业前沿人工智能实验室的独家AI模型自主进行艺术创作。
The avant-garde artist Lu Lingli from Central Saint Martins in the UK has collaborated with MUSE-AI, a Silicon Valley AI lab, on an experimental art project titled “The Blue Room”, which will open its first exhibition in Asia at the KWM artcenter in Beijing on September 5, 2024. This exhibition is a large-scale showcase of the collaboration and competition between a professional artist and generative AI (AIGC), presenting the results of avant-garde models and artist training in the rare form of a solo exhibition. Visitors will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in a dialogue and collision between museum-level art creation and cutting-edge technology, and will be able to create art independently using an exclusive AI model from the industry-leading AI lab.”The Blue Room” is not a physical space but a symbolic one, exploring the diverse and limitless possibilities of art and human emotional expression. The project, which took a full year to complete, involved the artist extensively training AI to understand the various emotions and philosophical reflections human- beings have about “blue”. AI, in turn, helped the artist achieve a more efficient and creative realization of human thoughts and artistic expressions regarding this ancient and classic theme. As AI rapidly and accurately understands complex and delicate human emotions, how will human perception of the external and internal worlds change?