Prix Pictet -「Human」
霍达·阿夫沙尔(Hoda Afshar),格拉·阿特莫娃(Gera Artemova),拉格纳·阿克塞尔森(Ragnar Axelsson),亚历山德罗·辛克(Alessandro Cinque),希安·戴维(Siân Davey),高丽·吉尔(Gauri Gill),米哈伊尔·卢茨克(Michał Łuczak),雅耶尔・马丁尼兹(Yael Martínez),理查德·雷纳尔迪(Richard Renaldi),弗雷德里科·里奥斯·埃斯科巴尔(Federico Ríos Escobar),瓦妮莎·温希普(Vanessa Winship),瓦桑塔·约甘南塞(Vasantha Yogananthan)
展期Duration:2024.05.31 – 2024.07.25
地点Venue:金杜艺术中心KWM artcenter
国际前沿的摄影和可持续发展艺术奖项百达摄影奖(Prix Pictet)将于 2024 年 5 月 31 日至7 月 25 日在北京金杜艺术中心举办“人”主题摄影展,呈献12 位入围摄影师的卓越作品。
百达摄影奖由瑞士百达集团(Pictet)成立于 2008 年,旨在透过摄影的力量,唤起人们对可持续发展的关注。迄今为止,奖项已举办十届,每届主题各不相同,探讨可持续发展的一个特定方面。此前九届的主题分别为:水、土地、增长、权力、消费、混乱、空间、希望和火。
The Prix Pictet is the world’s leading award for photography and sustainability and will present its Human cycle featuring 12 leading shortlisted photographers at the KWM artcentre from 31 May – 25 July 2024.
The Prix Pictet was founded in 2008 by the Pictet Group with the goal of harnessing the power of photography to draw attention to the critical issue of global sustainability. To date, there have been ten cycles of the award, each with its own theme highlighting a particular facet of sustainability. The nine themes are Water, Earth, Growth, Power, Consumption, Disorder, Space, Hope and Fire.
The Prix Pictet is delighted to tour its Human cycle to Beijing, returning to the city after showcasing its Hope exhibition in 2021. The exhibition at KWM artcentre will showcase the work of twelve outstanding photographers shortlisted for the tenth cycle of the award. Their work constitutes a powerful exploration of the various facets of the theme Human. In their own unique way, each of the shortlisted photographers explores our shared humanity and the vast spectrum of our interactions with the world.
The shortlisted portfolios span documentary, portraiture, landscape, and studies of light and process, and explore issues ranging from the plight of indigenous peoples, conflict, childhood, the collapse of economic processes, to the traces of human habitation and industrial development, gang violence, border lands, and migration.